Sunday, January 4, 2009

Redistribution Draft - Slow progress

The Redistribution Draft is underway for all returning leagues - and I'm quickly realizing I need to automate the process. So, the good news is I'm starting to sketch out a program that will conduct all the phases of the draft for me...the bad news is that it won't be done this season (or I have fingers crossed for maybe the last couple of leagues).

For anyone who's a programmer, my sticking point right now is when/how to add certain things that I'm doing intuitively (like moving up players from later rounds when you run out of picks in the current round, making sure you don't spend more cash than you have, etc.).

So... for 2009, I guess expect to see 1-2 leagues per day. In 2010, if all goes well, we should be able to see the results for all leagues within a day or two of you submitting your lists. I hope to be done by the next weekend. The first deadline for winter free agent signings/trades will be Friday, Jan 16 (unless there's some delay on the draft results).

UPDATE - I did take a break in the hand calculation of the draft to finish up an automated program to do this. Not much effect this year (except finishing the final 4-5 leagues quickly), but starting next year I should be able to post all league results within a few days of the list submissions.

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