Saturday, August 9, 2014

A Host of Rule Change Discussions

I've got a number of things under consideration for rules changes.

Some of these might happen, some of them definitely won't (or so I think) ...but I'm always curious to get feedback from owners on what they think.  This is a better forum for me to collect opinions (and hopefully for some intra-owner discussion too) than just to collect emails.

They're all in the posts below, but here are direct links to the call for comments/opinions:
Some things I like to hold to the tradition of the original Robot Baseball rules - or maybe "that's just how it's done here."

Some changes suggested make the rules more complicated...with different conditions for different parts of the season and I like to keep things simple when possible (though I know we do have different rules at different times already).

Changes that revolve around lineup usage - it's always easier to look at one or two games and consider how you'd do the lineup differently if you were doing it by hand.  It's another thing to have a rule in place to check the starting lineups/bench usage (and the computer code to do so) for the 328 unique games that are scored for each BWB game.

Some things may just have no easy technical or web implementation.

Beware of unintended consequences...

Some things may make sense to change...

Chime in where you have opinions - and not just if you desire a change.  The squeaky wheel here is usually the push for a change - I'm interested in hearing as much from the defenders of the status quo to get an accurate feel.

You don't have to do this all at once - none of these changes would likely be announced until at least October - and the history here will also be useful to check back on in another year or two.

As always, thanks for your input....


Roland Dupont said...

Prefer minimal changes - most changes would simply complicate things and introduce new problems that would then require additional changes.

Dan Foley said...

Regarding larger rosters...I think what we have is a good size. My only caveat is it might be good to have a "DL" with a slot or two. This would be different form the IR where you could actually re-activate a player from it. Players, especially pitchers, get hurt more often today than in Robot Baseball days. Right now if someone gets a bad injury early in the season, the incentive is to just drop them and take the cash. Then late in the season, you are just out of luck if they get hurt, and have to eat their salary or drop some other healthy player to pick up someone to replace them. I like that we are faced with difficult choices as managers of these teams, though. Just some food for thought.